Getting Started

Why Should I sell on Mkart?

Who can sell on Mkart?

How do I sell on Mkart?

Can I offer both products and services on Mkart?

Do I need to courier my products to Mkart?

What are the documents required to register as a seller on Mkart?

Who decides the price of the products?

Will I get charged for listing products on Mkart?

Who takes care of the delivery of my products?

How and when will I get paid?

When can I start selling?

How many listings are required to start selling?

Pricing and Payments

Who decides the price of the product?

What are the fees charged?

What is Commission fee and how much commission is charged?

Please give an example to show the cost calculation.

How and when do I get paid?

Listings and Catalog

What is listing?

How many products do I need to list to start selling?

How do I list my products on Mkart?

Can I get help for the development of the catalog (product images, description, etc.)?

How does a catalog partner help me?

How do I price my products?

Will I get charged for listing products on Mkart?

Order Management and Shipping

Who takes care of the delivery of my products?

What should I do if my area is not serviceable by Flipkart?

During registration